세원기연의 50년 역사와 뛰어난 기술력을 바탕으로 일반 공조 전문가들이 설계하고
제작한 General HVAC Solutions는 뛰어난 성능과 에너지 절감, 손쉬운 유지관리를 통하여 공기조화기,
항온항습기 등의 기술표준이 되고 있습니다.
Reduced Energy Consumption
- Most efficient cooling tower in the industry
- Up to a 16% increase in capacity
- Exceeds ASHRAE 90.1-2013 efficiency
Reliable Year-Round Operation
- Superior winter operating performance
- BALTIDRIVE® Power Train Fan System
- Rigid frame construction
- Meets wind and seismic requirements of the
International Building Code (IBC)
- Optional ENDURADRIVE™ Fan System backed by a
7 year warranty
More Selection Flexibility
- 31 new models
- 3 new box sizes
- 69 Series 3000 Cooling Tower XE models are
available in a full array of box sizes
Lowest Operating Costs
- 37.5% reduction in operating costs for a
500-Ton system
- Payback of less than 2 years